

Protect your organization by digitally verifying candidate documents!

Verifying the documents and information provided by candidates during the hiring process is a crucial step in managing employee-related risks.

Ensuring the accuracy of the documents and information declared by job candidates before hiring directly concerns HR and Corporate Security Departments.

FinalCheck'senables digital verification of candidate documents within seconds on a single screen.

This helps prevent difficult-to-detect document fraud. By digitizing the candidate document collection and verification process, you can easily complete your verifications and strengthen your corporate memory.

With FinalCheck, you can either verify candidate documents yourself,

or let candidates upload them using the Candidate Self-Service module!

Government Issued Documents

Digitally verify over 20 e-government documents within seconds, including:

Criminal Record, Graduation Certificate, High School Diploma, Residence Certificate, Population Registration Certificate, Driver Penalty Certificate, Social Security Registration and Service Statement, 4A Service Statement, Transcript, and more. and more.

Other Documents

All non-government issued are verified on your behalf by FinalCheck analysts. Our analysts handle the document verification process by directly contacting the issuing institution.

Foreign University Diplomas, Professional Certificates, and more.

Biometric Identity Verification

Add a layer of security to the remote hiring process by conducting biometric identity verification for candidates.

Identity Card, Driver's License, Passport,and more.

The Secret to Successful Hiring is Accurate Candidate Verification

Verifying candidate documents during the hiring process is critical for security and risk management

Get in touch with us for more information about FinalCheck and to schedule a free DEMO.
